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Title 1 Information

We send out a survey each spring to help our team decide the best ways to spend our funds for the following year. Your opinion and input matter so much to us! This survey will be sent directly to our families at the appropriate time each year, and we encourage your thoughtful response.

'24-'25 Annual Fall Parent Meeting

Parent-Family Engagement Policy

This policy explains the working relationship between the school family and the home family. It is very important for you to feel welcome and involved in your child’s education, so please read through it to understand our team approach.

Assessments and Standards

This document lists the assessments tools we use to help us track your child’s process throughout the school year so we can understand how to support their learning needs. We use the results of these tests to determine the best course of action for our students and to see how we can use the federal Title I funds most effectively.

Title 1 Compact

This is a document to be signed by a student, a parent/guardian, and a member of our school to lay out each person’s role and responsibilities for a successful outcome. This is a voluntary document but serves as an excellent basis for discussion.

Right-to-Know Letter

This letter lets you know about your right to request information about the qualifications of the staff members who work with your child. 

Resources for our Families

Do you have any questions about Baden Academy’s Title I program?


Please contact our coordinator, Mrs. Samantha Lesak.


Her email address is 


You can also call Sam at 1-855-590-2227, extension 2017.


Below are links to a few of the websites our students use during the day to help them with skills in reading, math, science, and social studies. You can support and connect with your child by logging onto these sites and having your child tell you about these activities and games. You may use their Baden Academy username and password, or you can set up your own account for use at home. 


Vocabulary Spelling City 







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